Meet the Wedding Party

Best Man - Jack Fung
Jack is Wil's cousin. They grew up like brothers. He's a big foodie and also a great cook. Jack is married to MyLy and they have two cute dogs.
Jack Jack
Groomsman - Ethan Holl
Ethan is Elizabeth's eldest son and is finishing 7th grade. Ethan loves being a teenager and saying 'mhm'. He spends most of his time listening to music, sleeping, reading, sports (GO PACK), sleeping, playing video games, sleeping, or playing soccer.
Ethan, soccer star Ethan, soccer star
Ethan growing up too fast Ethan is all about the chips
Groomsman - Owen Holl
Owen is Elizabeth's youngest son and is finishing 3rd grade. Owen loves super heroes, comic books, watching youtube, singing (For instance, he went around the house singing The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald after hearing it at school...and he is known to rickroll because he genuinely likes that song.) working in the yard and following around his big sister. His favorite color is orange and he wears it in layers when possible. Owen would like to be a scientist when he grows up, and lately, more specifically, a chemist.
No one cooler than Owen No one cooler than Owen
Owen at his great grandpa's concert Owen at his great grandpa's concert
Ring Bearer (a.k.a. Ring Bear 🐼) - Colin Haung
Colin is Wil's nephew. He loves Star Wars, LEGO, and superheroes. He plays piano. Colin also likes to fight like a Jedi.
Doing his best impression of Wil Doing his best impression of Wil
Colin just being goofy Colin just being goofy
Matron of Honor - Angie Thomas
Angie is Elizabeth's best friend and has known Elizabeth since playing high school soccer together. Since those days, Angie and Elizabeth have had many adventures together. Angie is easy-going, a great listener, and has a heart of gold. She is an excellent crafter and organizer and she knows how to get things done. Angie was recently married this past Halloween to her husband, Cody. They are a lot of fun and have their hands full raising their TINY dog, Porter.
Angie and her pup, Porter Here is Angie with her spunky pup, Porter
Bridesmaid - Milen Haung
Milen is Wil's sister. Besides being the greatest sister, she is also an amazing mom to Katelyn and Colin. She is married to Rob.
Milen Milen as a child
Milen Milen
Bridesmaid - Julia Holl
Julia is Elizabeth's daughter and is finishing 5th grade. She loves reading, writing, drawing, crafts, making rainbow loom creations, her kitten (Oreo) and her family. Her favorite color is blue. When she grows up she wants to be a teacher. Julia also loves soccer, basketball and fart jokes. The maturity comes and goes for all of us.
Julia after a basketball tournament Julia after a basketball tournament
Julia with glasses Julia recently got glasses
Flower Girl - Katelyn Haung
Katelyn is Wil's niece. She plays piano. Katelyn is very crafty and draws a lot. She also loves pandas.
Looking just like Milen Looking just like Milen
Katelyn Katelyn